SGISD’s Dr. James Soldner co-edits and authors new special issue of the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration

2 min readNov 17, 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Soldner for his recent publications, The Role of the Supervisor in Counselor Professional Development, and Constructive Rehabilitation Counselor Evaluation in Field Settings, both published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration (JRA) special issue on supervision in Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs.

In The Role of the Supervisor in Counselor Professional Development, Soldner and colleagues from Utah State University, University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin/Madison, and University of Arizona discuss the role of the supervisor in counselor professional development. Rehabilitation supervisors have increasing responsibility to train and mentor rehabilitation counselors. The authors share strategies for providing instruction and support in this professional development process.

In Constructive Rehabilitation Counselor Evaluation in Field Settings, Soldner and colleagues from University at Buffalo and University of Southern Maine share promising practices for enhancing state vocational rehabilitation administrators and supervisors’ current clinical supervision processes. Soldner and co-authors advocate for using more intentional counselor evaluation practices as tools for professional development rather than punitive processes or procedural formalities.

Dr. Soldner also co-authored the introduction to this JRA special issue on supervision, along with scholars Dr. Jared C. Schultz from the University of Arizona and Dr. Elizabeth A. Boland from Western Washington University.

The JRA publishes work related to vocational rehabilitation administration, counseling, management, organizational, program evaluation, and quality assurance. Read the full articles in the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration special issue on Supervision!

James Soldner headshot




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